The Long-Range Strategic Plan for the Florida Judicial Branch: 2022 - 2027

OSCA 2022-2027长期战略计划覆盖

议题1 -有效、高效、公平地伸张正义
Issue 4 – Modernize the 政府 of Justice and Operation of Court Facilities
Issue 5 – Maintain a Professional, Ethical, and Skilled Judiciary and Workforce


Florida’s people depend on their court system to make fair, reliable, and prompt case decisions.  司法行政需要对每一个案件进行慎重的关注, 一个定义良好的过程,以尽量减少延迟, 以及合理利用有限的资源.  It is important that the Florida judicial branch continue to implement practices which utilize resources 有效的ly, 有效地, and in an accountable manner while continuing its commitment to fairness and impartiality.


1.1  Perform judicial duties and administer justice without bias or prejudice.
1.积极主动,确保所有案件的公正及时解决, 有效的, 以及一致的病例管理实践.
1.利用工作量和其他工作量信息来管理资源, 促进问责制, 评估绩效.
1.4  Obtain appropriate and stable levels of funding and resources for courts throughout the state.
1.5  Encourage the use of 一致的 practices, procedures, and forms statewide.
1.6  Increase the use of constructive and non-adversarial resolutions in family law cases. 


bg视讯致力于为所有人提供平等的司法机会. 然而, 诉讼费用, 沟通障碍, 缺乏信息, 复杂性, 偏见, and physical obstructions can create difficulties for those seeking to access the courts to obtain relief. The judicial branch must strive to identify and remove real or perceived barriers to better provide meaningful access to the courts.


2.2  Provide useful information about court procedures, available services, forms, and other resources.
2.确保法庭程序, 操作, and information delivery methods are easily understandable and user-friendly.
2.4  Collaborate with justice system partners and community organizations to deliver appropriate services.
2.5  Reduce communication and language barriers to facilitate participation in court proceedings.
2.6  Promote the use of innovative and 有效的 problem-solving courts and alternative dispute resolution processes.

长远议题3 -增进对司法程序的了解

司法部门的法定权力是人民授予的, and public trust and confidence in the judicial branch is at the heart of maintaining a democratic society. Promoting public trust and confidence in the courts enhances the 有效的ness of court actions, 加强司法公正, 并提高法院履行其使命的能力.  改进的通信, 协作, and education efforts will better inform the public about the judicial branch’s role, 任务, 和视觉.


3.加强对目的的理解, 角色, and responsibilities of the judicial branch through education and outreach.
3.2  Promote public trust and confidence in the judicial branch by delivering timely, 一致的, and useful information through traditional and innovative communication methods.
3.3  Communicate 有效的ly with all branches and levels of government on justice system issues.
3.4  Coordinate with justice system partners to share information and promote services which further the interests of 法院的用户. 

Long-Range Issue 4 – Modernize the 政府 of Justice and Operation of Court Facilities

The administration of a state court system serving millions of people each year is a complex undertaking. Managing the court system resources and personnel is further complicated by growing customer expectations, 越来越复杂的法律问题和案件, 快速变化的技术. The judicial branch’s ability to assess its environment and respond appropriately will enhance the broad range of court services and technology solutions designed to meet the needs of 法院的用户.


4.1保护所有法官, 法院工作人员, 法院的用户, 并通过有效的设施安全, 应急准备, 大流行的指导, 以及行动计划的连续性.
4.2  Safeguard the security, integrity, and confidentiality of court data and technology systems.
4.3  Maximize the use of technology and create a compatible infrastructure to improve case management and meet the needs of the judicial branch and 法院的用户.
4.4  Improve data exchange and integration processes with the clerks of court and other justice system partners.
4.5 .通过自动化实现法庭程序现代化, 远程交付, 扩大了法庭用户的自助服务选择.
4.6  Secure sufficient financial resources for technology and innovation to meet current needs and future challenges.
4.7  Strengthen and support judicial branch governance and policy development.

Long-Range Issue 5 – Maintain a Professional, Ethical, and Skilled Judiciary and Workforce

Justice depends on the competence and quality of judges and court employees. 这些专业人士处理复杂的法律问题和法庭程序, 解决棘手的法律和道德问题, 还要面对法庭使用者越来越高的期望. Providing advanced levels of education and development will enable those who work within the courts system to 有效的ly perform the challenging work of the courts and meet the needs of those whom they serve.


5.1  Promote public trust and confidence by maintaining high standards of professionalism and ethical behavior.
5.2  Attract, hire, and retain a qualified, ethical, engaged, and diverse workforce.
5.3  Provide quality and responsive educational content and training to judges and court employees to ensure high-level performance.
5.4  Expand the education of judges and court employees to recognize and understand various perspectives of 法院的用户 on relevant and emerging topics.
5.5  Develop technology-based approaches and expand access to training to complement existing education programs for judges and court employees.
5.6  Ensure judges and court employees have the technological skills necessary to perform more 有效地. 
